Your hair is short and it is OK

Alyssha Dairsow, executive director, short hair
Alyssha Dairsow, posing with short hair

For most of my life I have wanted long hair. The long stuff that flows and waves when in a ponytail. My sister has a different grade of hair and I would see her long pig tails and think my hair would end up or change and look like hers. WRONG!

As I became a teenager, I was well into the creamy crack (permed/relaxed/ processed/fried) hair. I was far from hair like Flo Jo like I had dreamed. Chaaa my hair looked like pull and peel string cheese. Anywho, it wasnโ€™t till I graduated from community college when I got tired of the straight hair and opted for my curls. Fast forward 10 years this year, I have finally grown content with my hair length. It is mostly because I know my hair can grow. It may not be as smooth as Jerrie Curl juice, but it is mine!

I have grown excited to see what my hair can do and how I can aide my hair in its growth process. The best thing I ever did was embrace the process of growth. From having to cut heat damage off till now figuring out whatโ€™s going to work after I hit the big 3-0, Iโ€™m going to enjoy the process.

Riding the Curly wave

How have you embraced your Curly Hair journey?

Pictures: In 2019 I cut my hair in May. This would have been the 3rd 'big chop' and it was by choice. I enjoyed so many short styles and thoroughly wanted to watch my hair closely as it grew.


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